Withdraw! Why? Where to?


In summer 2008, the Missile Defense Agreement was signed between the U.S./Polish and U.S/Czech governments to ensure, as it was termed, “our common security.”

On September 17th, 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama suspended the plans for placing missile interceptors in Poland and the radar base in Czech Republic. A new approach was announced that will provide capabilities sooner, built on proven systems and offer greater defenses against the threat of missile attack than the 2007 European missile defense program. The new system will deploy smaller SM-3 missiles, and will be, probably, placed somewhere in Southern Europe or Turkey.

The documentary, Hit-to-Kill, emphasizes political and strategic elements of the deployment of U.S. antimissile shield in Europe, entailing a dialogue between concepts such as security, global dominance, democracy, propaganda and resistance.

Reartikulacija #7

Reartikulacija is an art project of the group Reartikulacija (Marina Gržinić, Staš Kleindienst, Sebastjan Leban and Tanja Passoni). It is based on a precise intervention logic; through contemporary political theory, critic, art projects, activism and selforganization, it aims to intervene in the Slovene, Balkan and international space. The platform allows networking with other political subjects, activists, artists, who are interested in the possibility to create and maintain a dialogue with concrete social and political spaces in Slovenia, Europe and worldwide…

web documentary: Hit-to-Kill

The project Hit-to-Kill is set up in parallel with the dynamics of political negotiations and progress of the missile defense program, therefore it is designed as an open structure in continuous dialogue concerning the future changes and development of the related events on this issue.

The first edited version of the documentary outlines the period between the signature of the Missile Defense Agreement in Czech Republic and Poland in summer 2008 and the suspension of the 2007 European missile defense program by Obama Administration on 17th of September, 2009.

During the expedition with two women activists (with one in Poland and with the other in Czech Republic) to the “future” U.S. military bases in Redzikowo (Poland) and Brdy (Czech Republic), some of the past (Cold War) and current events are exposed through four interrelated chapters: (1)The Politics of Security, (2)The Quest for Global Dominance, (3)You. Yes, You. You Control the Information Age and (4)Translating Democracy, that emphasize political and strategic elements of the deployment of U.S. antimissile shield in Europe to question the concepts such as security, global dominance, democracy, propaganda and resistance.

“La cena del miedo”

Hace una semana Amador Fdez-Savater, coeditor de Acuarela Libros, fue invitado (por azar, por error o por alguna razón desconocida) a una cena con la ministra de Cultura y otras figuras relevantes de la industria cultural española para hablar sobre la Ley Sinde, el tema de las descargas, etc. Al día siguiente de la indigesta reunión Amador escribió La cena del miedo, un texto que está provocando un verdadero terremoto en internet.

El próximo viernes 21 de Enero a las 20h Amador estará con nosotros para hablar de esta experiencia y para pensar con él cómo provocar una moratoria de la ley Biden-Sinde, y de qué manera podemos establecer un debate público y directo entre creadores, más allá de la industria cultural y sin la presencia de ningún mediador.

Ataque psíquico masivo: dejemos impotente al Papa!

Hace poco más de un mes, el Papa Benedicto XVI visitó nuestra ciudad. Más le valdría haberse quedado en su casa. Antes de pisar tierra ya lo habíamos dejado impotente para toda la vida. Sí, como lo oyes im-po-ten-te. Un grupo de infieles convocados a través de internet nos dimos cita a los pies del Totem-Torre Agbar para conectar nuestras mentes y cuerpos hasta provocar una descarga eléctrica que terminó, de golpe y porrazo, y para siempre, con toda la potencia (y poder) del Papa…