Deaktivacija družbeno spolnega programiranja skozi transfeministično politiko: od lezbične do transspolne pozicije in nazaj! (2. del)

Lizzie Borden (ZDA)
Rojena v plamenih (Born in Flames), 1983, 90′

Filmsko dogajanje je postavljeno v bližnjo postapokaliptično prihodnost, ki spominja na spodnji Manhattan. Rojena v plamenih je radikalno feminističen film o seksizmu, rasizmu, razrednem zatiranju in deležu medijev pri njihovem vzdrževanju. Film prevprašuje prevladujoče kode konvencionalne naracije kakor tudi družbenega spola ter rasne in razredne pripadnosti. Ravno tako oporeka utopičnemu pojmovanju, po katerem naj bi ena sama vsesplošna družbena revolucija v celoti odpravila zatiranje…

Deaktivacija družbeno spolnega programiranja skozi transfeministično politiko: od lezbične do transspolne pozicije in nazaj! (1. del)

Čeprav smo že v 80-ih in 90-ih letih prejšnjega stoletja spoznali, da biološki in družbeni spol nista neko naravno stanje, ta sistem še vedno ostaja kot čvrst in stabilen okvir, ki se upira spremembam in transformacijam. Program projekcij je zasnovan kot možnost za drugačno konstrukcijo spola in spolnosti na robovih hegemonskih diskurzov heteronormativnega režima, ki nam prek de-aktivacije takšne »programacije spola« dopušča zavzeti ekscentrično pozicijo v odnosu na binarni sistem, v katerega smo vpeti.

Workshop: Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory and Art

The workshop will be conducted by guest lecturer Ivana Marjanović, PhD candidate, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The work that will be done as part of the workshop in the summer semester 2011 will be structured around the production of the book VOCABULARY OF DECOLONIALITY and it will consist of readings and discussions related to the book’s contributions.

Also in relation to the workshop texts we read in the past and presently
M1 at 20.30 film program organized by Tjasa Kancler PhD student visiting us from Barcelona. Program on topics as postporn, and different strategies of resistance projects.

web documentary: Hit-to-Kill

The project Hit-to-Kill is set up in parallel with the dynamics of political negotiations and progress of the missile defense program, therefore it is designed as an open structure in continuous dialogue concerning the future changes and development of the related events on this issue.

The first edited version of the documentary outlines the period between the signature of the Missile Defense Agreement in Czech Republic and Poland in summer 2008 and the suspension of the 2007 European missile defense program by Obama Administration on 17th of September, 2009.

During the expedition with two women activists (with one in Poland and with the other in Czech Republic) to the “future” U.S. military bases in Redzikowo (Poland) and Brdy (Czech Republic), some of the past (Cold War) and current events are exposed through four interrelated chapters: (1)The Politics of Security, (2)The Quest for Global Dominance, (3)You. Yes, You. You Control the Information Age and (4)Translating Democracy, that emphasize political and strategic elements of the deployment of U.S. antimissile shield in Europe to question the concepts such as security, global dominance, democracy, propaganda and resistance.


Copycat is a short documentary about suicide. Through the re-enactment of some of the scenes from Roman Polanski’s film The Tenant, archive footage, film fragments and the interviews with a psychoanalyst, a psycologist, a psychiatrist, a writer and an art curator, the film focuses on the copycat effect to question media representation as well as psychological and social causes of suicide.