Suspicious, implicated agencies: gender mutants, decolonial transfeminist, militant filmmakers, radical theoreticians, migrant sex workers

12.10.2018, Maribor

SCREENING PROGRAM curated by Marina Gržinić and Tjaša Kancler

This program focuses on gender multiple borders and sex as politics. The program puts under question the regime of Whiteness, EU politics of segregation and expulsion, hidden histories. It as well talks about work: to be an artist, theoretician and sex worker. How much resistance against exploitation, racism, dispossession, and misery these positions can produce? What are the forms of these resistances? A militant theater, performance, documentary, a burlesque or an intervention on the street, in the classroom?

8M – Bloque crítico transfeminista antirracista de migrantas y racializades

El día 8 de marzo un grupo de compañeres migrantas y racializades nos convocamos para realizar una intervención crítica en la cabecera de la manifestación del 8M con la intención de continuar denunciando los marcos eurocéntricos blancos que en sí mismos imposibilitan construir la unidad de la que nos hablan las feministas blancas, puesto que […]

Aftermaths and Transformations: October Revolution 1917 Revisited

23.,24., and 25. October 2017
conference, exhibition, film seminar, workshop

The Russian Revolution of 1917, which began with the February Revolution and culminated in October with “ten days that shock the world” established the first workers’ socialist state in history and is therefore the preeminent event of the 20th century. Moreover, the two other “events” of the 20th century, namely the two world wars, were connected to carnage and death with no emancipatory impulse.

When thinking of freedom and change, the October Revolution palpably echoes with two other historically momentous revolutions: the Haitian Revolution, the anti-slavery and anti-colonial insurrection of 1791-1804, and the French Revolution of 1789, the ideological, political and social upheaval in the political history of France and Europe by those who were not recognized as the new labor force or as agents of change. […]

UNCENSORED – International Film Days

Date | 16.03.2017 – 18.03.2017
Venue | Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Main Buliding, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Aula, Top Kino, Rahlgasse 1, 1060 Vienna

Screenings of censored films with lectures and discussions.
Free admission on all days.

The event is conceived by the Conceptual Art (Post-Conceptual Art Practices) study program: Marina Gržinić, Betül Küpeli, Cansu Berksan with Tjaša Kancler, Songül Sönmez, Abidin Ertuğrul, Nathalie Borgers, Reha Refik Taşcı and Cana Bilir-Meier

Guests: Nathalie Borgers (Vienna), Sebestyén Kodolányi (Budapest), Gianfranco Pannone (Rome), belit sağ (Amsterdam /Turkey), Marika Schmiedt (Vienna)

3ª Muestra de CineMigrante de Barcelona

La 3° Edición de la Muestra Internacional de CineMigrante Barcelona, cine por la diversidad cultural, migración y derechos humanos se realizará en Barcelona del martes 12 de julio al domingo 17 de julio 2016, con entrada gratuita. A las proyecciones en sus sedes centrales se suma un itinerario de proyecciones al aire libre y cuatro encuentros o jornadas de debate junto a dos exposiciones fotográficas, intervenciones urbanas y talleres sobre defensa de derechos de las personas migrantes.