Ripple effect, or grains of sand – solidarity as practice

8 September 2017, from 17.00 to 19.00
@ Kamari, Tehtaankatu 21, HKI-FI
Organized by Night Schoolers

How do we work towards transforming the ways of articulating critique today? Which tools and tactics can we engage to shift the terms of our conversations? How do we form the alliances which we need now? How can we practice solidarity to dismantle the hegemonic identity politics and the current logics of production?

Ripple effect, or grains of sand – solidarity as practice

8 September 2017, from 17.00 to 19.00
@ Kamari, Tehtaankatu 21, HKI-FI
Organized by Night Schoolers

How do we work towards transforming the ways of articulating critique today? Which tools and tactics can we engage to shift the terms of our conversations? How do we form the alliances which we need now? How can we practice solidarity to dismantle the hegemonic identity politics and the current logics of production?

Tjaša Kancler, Aino Korvensyrjä and Katia Sepúlveda will share their practices to open up a debate on how the notion of solidarity can be repoliticized today.


Aino Korvensyrjä (Helsinki/Berlin) is an activist, social researcher, editor and translator. She is part of Free Movement Network Helsinki, the working group Culture of Deportation, Justizwatch Berlin, and the founding co-editor of the magazine Signal. Writings on the Freedom of Movement. Her doctoral research, media and activist work address questions of state violence, criminalisation of mobility and migration justice.

Katia Sepúlveda (Chile, 1978) is an artist, worker and anti-colonial transfeminist. Since 2004 she lives and works in Cologne, Germany. Her work has been shown recently in Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende and at the Sao Paulo Biennial (

Tjaša Kancler (Maribor, 1978) is an artist, activist, researcher and professor of Media Arts and Gender Studies at the Department of Visual Arts and Design – Section Art and Visual Culture, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Barcelona. He forms part of the collective t.i.c.t.a.c. – Taller de Intervenciones Críticas Transfeministas Antirracistas Combativas.