CONVIVIALITY IN PRACTICE: Field research, screenings and 2-day convivial workshop in Cape Town, South Africa

Convivial workshop
10-11 October 2023

at Ritchie Studio, Michaelis School of Fine Arts, University of Cape Town

Part 1: Tuesday, October 10, 2023

10:00 – Introduction by Nomusa Makhubu

10:15 – Participatory WORKSHOP focusing on breath+voice+sound+body (Sisonke Papu)

11:15 – lntroduction  of Conviviality as Potentiality (CaP) by research team, Marina Gržinić and Jovita Pristovšek

12:15 – 2pm BREAK

14:00 – Panel Discussion: Practicing Conviviality
Discussants: Jordan Pieters, Nkone Chaka, Thania Petersen, Sisonke Papu, facilitated by Kim Reynollds
Panel reflects on challenges and possibilities of conviviality

15:00 – Inputs from Vienna research team, On Theory and Practice, conviviality and short films.
Screening materials from conviviality in practice.

Part 2: Wednesday, October 11, 2023
10:00 –Discussion, reflections, feedback and analysis of previous day’s screenings: A conclusive discussion on the questions which the Conviviality as Potentiality team have formulated.

11:00 – Panel Discussion: On Conviviality and What is Just 
Discussants: Goitsione Mokou, Hannah Mutanda Kadima Kaniki, Darion Adams Facilitated by Mpho Ndaba.
Discussants reflect on their own work and the question ofjustice in relation to conviviality.

12:15 – 2pm LUNCH

2 – 4pm: Interactive closing participatory workshop II by Sisonke Papu

176 Upper Buitenkant St, Vredehoek, Cape Town

Film Screening: 7 – 8.30pm
Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures. Experimental-documentary video film: 90min Authors: Marina Gržinić and Tjasa Kancler

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