Angela Davis: Life between Politics and Academia

Angela Davis: Life between Politics and Academia

5th of October, 2015, 18:30h

University of Vienna, Großen Festsaal (Great ceremonial hall, main building)

The introductory speech by Marissa Lôbo and Njideka Stephanie Iroh from Black_Woman*_Space ( and PAMOJA – The Movement of the young African Diaspora in Austria(

The lecture was organized within the gender justice focus project by AG UniFrauenJubel, University of Vienna


Angela Davis: Life between Politics and Academia

5th of October, 2015, 18:30h

University of Vienna, Großen Festsaal (Great ceremonial hall, main building)

The introductory speech by Marissa Lôbo and Njideka Stephanie Iroh from Black_Woman*_Space ( and PAMOJA – The Movement of the young African Diaspora in Austria(