Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues: Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice

27-28 April 2015
Temahuset, Campus Valla, Linköping, Sweden

The aim of the conference is to spark and consolidate focused dialogues on the theoretical, temporal and spatial intersections of postcolonialism and postsocialism in present-day geopolitical climate. We investigate what are the intersections and opacities – the untranslatable experiences, concepts, ideas – between the two critical discourses in feminist theorizing and practice. We hope to do so in order to address the emergence of new political and cultural formations as well as circuits of bodies and capital so as to arrive at a novel approach to gender, race and sexuality in post-Cold War and postcolonial era in currently re-emerging neo-colonial and imperial conflicts. This becomes relevant in light of recent geopolitical transformations and contemporary complex challenges such as border controls and anti-immigration laws, xenophobia and rising fascism in Europe, and religion-based conflicts in post-multiculturalist societies.