GENEALOGY OF AMNESIA – Crushing Silences, Constructing Histories

8., 9., and 10. November 2018

Crushing Silences, Constructing Histories

MUMOK. Museum of Modern Art Foundation Ludwig Vienna
ADDRESS: Mumok, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

A symposium on the silencing of colonialism, anti-Semitism, and contemporary turbo-fascist nationalism in Belgium, Austria, and the former Yugoslavia. Re-examining counter-memory and counter-history projects, interventions, and processes of resistance in order to open up spaces for new directions in politics, futurity, and collective struggles. Organized by the FWF-project “Genealogy of Amnesia,” developed at the Studio of Conceptual Art (PCAP), Institute of Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Suspicious, implicated agencies: gender mutants, decolonial transfeminist, militant filmmakers, radical theoreticians, migrant sex workers

12.10.2018, Maribor

SCREENING PROGRAM curated by Marina Gržinić and Tjaša Kancler

This program focuses on gender multiple borders and sex as politics. The program puts under question the regime of Whiteness, EU politics of segregation and expulsion, hidden histories. It as well talks about work: to be an artist, theoretician and sex worker. How much resistance against exploitation, racism, dispossession, and misery these positions can produce? What are the forms of these resistances? A militant theater, performance, documentary, a burlesque or an intervention on the street, in the classroom?