Body-politics, Trans* Imaginary and Decoloniality

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Concerning my and our work in Eurocentric academia, to rethink Transgender studies, trans* politics and activism in relation to decoloniality, the text focuses on body-politics, knowledge production and trans* imaginary in the context of crisis. This asks also for an analysis of the post-Cold War reconfiguration and multiplication of European borders, as my intention here is to shift the geography of reason, point to counter-genealogies of thought and to decolonial practices of resistance. This means to engage with decolonial critique in relation to the processes of colonial capitalist divisions and differentiation, when speaking about the coloniality of gender, as well as the global imposition of western Eurocentric feminist, queer and transgender knowledge.

Violences in the Social Intervention Industry

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Úrsula Santa Cruz Castillo

Almost a month ago, I experienced a situation of violence on the part of the company where I worked, the SURT Foundation (Fundación SURT). Before writing this text, I have spent much time thinking about the necessity and importance of making this act of violence public. After all, as many ex-colleagues of the Foundation say “It happens everywhere”, thus, from such understanding we could also say that many of the problems and injustices that we live day by day happen everywhere, then why talk about it if it is already normalized?

Toward a Non-Eurocentric Academia

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Conceptualizing a non-Eurocentric academia is about pushing for a radical change in academic system of interpretation and production of reality, revealing the constitutive underside of (post)modern reason. The transformation strives to be effected by breaking down the academic walls, by challenging the existing political economy of global Eurocentric academia, the established academic disciplines, methodologies, sets of theoretical references, conceptual vocabularies and colonial visual orders in order to shift the geography of reason through dissident interventions by un/learning, producing counter-genealogies of thought and decolonial transfeminist sense/ibility. What is crucial here is to continue opening, accessing, thinking and acting from multiple locations, alternative arrangements of the social, and different political and epistemic possibilities coming from the Global South and East, interrelated with the work of its critical diasporas.

El racismo institucional va mucho más allá de las políticas migratorias

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Desde la Red Tras la Manta hemos visto cómo, durante los últimos días, ha aumentado la represión a nuestros compañeros del Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes. El compañero Ndiaw Diakhompa fue hospitalizado e intervenido quirúrgicamente por la pierna que le rompió la Guardia Urbana de Barcelona el viernes pasado. Issa Seye, tras sufrir un montaje policial escandaloso, actualmente se encuentra en el Centro de Internamiento de Extranjeros de Barcelona, ciudad que supuestamente busca cerrar esta institución racista. Y hoy Lamine Sarr, portavoz del Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes, fue detenido junto a seis compañeros en una operación de los Mossos d’Esquadra.

East: bodies, borders and zonification

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The European unification, as Philomena Essed argues, has been foremost a project of whiteness. In a time, when it is said that Eastern Europe no longer exists, when Western Europe is also named “former”, the process of disappearance of certain borders implies its simultaneous multiplication and conversion into zones, border regions or territories. East is today operating as one of them. How, then, the way we conceptualize Europe changes if we rethink the silenced colonial/imperial history of European migration politics through the West-East relation of repetition, together with the coloniality of gender, the control of subjectivity and knowledge, the most extreme forms of exclusion and politics of death today? What potentialities for resistance are coming out from such analysis?

Este: cuerpos, fronteras y zonificación

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La unificación europea, como sostiene Philomena Essed, ha sido ante todo un proyecto de blanquitud. En un momento en el que se dice que Europa del Este ya no existe, cuando Europa del Oeste también se denomina “antigua”, el proceso de desaparición de ciertas fronteras implica su multiplicación simultánea y su conversión en zonas, regiones o territorios fronterizos. El Este opera hoy como uno de ellos. ¿Cómo, entonces, cambia la forma en que conceptualizamos Europa si repensamos la historia silenciada colonial/imperial de la política migratoria europea a través de la relación de repetición Oeste-Este, junto con la colonialidad del género, el control de la subjetividad y del conocimiento, las formas más extremas de exclusión y la política de muerte actual? ¿Qué potencialidades para la resistencia surgen de este análisis?

Signal #2 – Writings on the freedom of movement

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Signal – Writings on the freedom of movement / Kirjoituksia liikkumisen vapaudesta is a multilingual (mostly ENG/FI) publication on migration issues published by the Free Movement Network Finland. It aims to provide a platform for critical, positional and activist knowledge on current border policies, migrant rights’ struggles and lived mobilities in Finland and elsewhere in Europe.

Comunicado del Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes sobre las Conclusiones de la Mesa de Ciudad

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A día de hoy la represión ha sido la única política que ha sido capaz de desplegar el actual gobierno. La Guardia Urbana y policía secreta nos vigilan y acosan todos los días, sobre todo a los compañeros portavoces del Sindicato, buscando intimidar y desmovilizarnos. Además, ahora esta persecución será en colaboración con los Mossos d’Esquadra. También queremos informar que se está castigando la solidaridad de las personas y colectivos que nos apoyan en esta lucha, realizando identificaciones sin razón.

New Keywords: Migration and Borders

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Edited by Nicholas De Genova, Sandro Mezzadra and John Pickles

“New Keywords: Migration and Borders” is a collaborative writing project aimed at developing a nexus of terms and concepts that fill-out the contemporary problematic of migration. It moves beyond traditional and critical migration studies by building on cultural studies and post-colonial analyses, and by drawing on a diverse set of longstanding author engagements with migrant movements. The paper is organized in four parts (i) Introduction, (ii) Migration, Knowledge, Politics, (iii) Bordering, and (iv) Migrant Space/Times. The keywords on which we focus are: Migration/Migration Studies; Militant Investigation; Counter-mapping; Border Spectacle; Border Regime; Politics of Protection; Externalization; Migrant Labour; Differential inclusion/exclusion; Migrant struggles; and Subjectivity.