Theoretical Critical Horizons: Shifting Baselines

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Edited by Jovita Pristovšek and Marina Gržinić

Authors: Marina Gržinić, Tjaša Kancler, Aleksandar Kraus, Shkëlzen Maliqi, Anyely Marín Cisneros, Dragomir Olujić Oluja, Stanimir Panayotov, Jovita Pristovšek, Šefik Tatlic

Published as part of the Shifting Baselines, an international project by Goethe Institut, Association Nagib, and Austrian Cultural Forum


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by Marina Gržinić, Tjaša Kancler These days, the occident’s preoccupation is fatigue: tired of decolonizing universities, monuments, histories, and knowledge. But the white matrix of power is essentially working as a parasitic system: constantly sucking the lives, politics, and future  from the “others.” White racism identifies with denial, and this is a key strategy towards […]

Rasni kapitalizem. Intersekcionalnost spolnosti, bojev in mejnih teles

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Izšla številka ČKZ 2020, št. 281. V slovenščini, z angleškimi povzetki. Uredila: Tjaša Kancler in Marina Gržinić Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology, entitled “Racial Capitalism. Intersectionality of Sexuality, Struggles and Bodies as Borders” (ČKZ, no.281, 2020, Ljubljana). Edited by Tjaša Kancler and Marina Gržinić Avtorice_ji/Authors: Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Irena Šumi, […]

Des-bordes n.06

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Des-bordes es una revista digital impulsada desde la Red Conceptualismos del Sur (RedCSur) que se propone incitar cruces entre investigación comprometida, análisis crítico de los conflictos políticos actuales, cultura visual y prácticas artísticas. Pensamos Des-bordes como una plataforma porosa donde expandir afinidades y contagios de la RedCSur, como un modo de desbordarla. En este sentido […]

Signal #2 – Writings on the freedom of movement

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Signal – Writings on the freedom of movement / Kirjoituksia liikkumisen vapaudesta is a multilingual (mostly ENG/FI) publication on migration issues published by the Free Movement Network Finland. It aims to provide a platform for critical, positional and activist knowledge on current border policies, migrant rights’ struggles and lived mobilities in Finland and elsewhere in Europe.

The Johannesburg Salon, Volume 9

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This special volume, guest edited by RhodesMustFall, provides the first ‘live archive’ of a movement born at the University of Cape Town that has now reached other South African campuses and is clamoring for the decolonization of knowledge and of the university. Twenty years after the formal ending of Apartheid, South Africa has reached the kind of threshold so vividly foreseen by Frantz Fanon in his famous chapter, “Pitfalls of national consciousness” (The Wretched of the Earth). As the former national liberation movement – now the ruling party – keeps extolling the virtues of accommodationism, a massive anger, even rage, is mounting especially among the ‘born free’ and the multitudes of the disenfranchised.

Did things have to come to this? How can we explain the persistence of white supremacist attitudes in almost every sector of life? What does it mean to be black in post-Apartheid South Africa? Is the post- in ‘post-Apartheid’ the same as the post in ‘postcolonial’? Shouldn’t we be thinking, rather, in terms of ‘decolonization’? How would a decolonized university look like once the strictures of Eurocentrism are destroyed?

Signal #1 – Writings on the Freedom of Movement

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Spring 2015

During the last few years, the problems inherent in European immigration and asylum policy have given rise to a heated debate. The political movements initiated by migrants themselves, which are gaining in intensity throughout Europe, have made the biggest contribution of all to the wider acknowledgement of these problems.

Signal collects information on the experience of migrants and their political struggles. In the articles and images of this publication, artists, activists, and researchers share their knowledge of the situation faced by migrants in Finland and in the EU.This is a part of a project called 9 Gatherings, a collaboration between Free Movement Network and the Kiila Association of Writers and Artists. It is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. This project creates new relationships between residents and those foreigners that are living in precarious conditions.