Manifiesto Octubre Trans 2015

17.10.2015, pl. Universidad, a las 17h

Este año nos unimos a esta manitrans porque queremos apostar por las alianzas, porque nos parece importante trabajar con todas aquellas personas trans, bolleras, maricas, intersex, putas, migrantes, racializadas, tullidas, gordas, feministas, que entienden el sistema sexogénero como una pieza del engranaje capitalista, colonial y heteropatriarcal.

Estamos aquí porque en nuestros cuerpos se entrecruzan sistemas de opressión distintos pero intersectados, que nos afectan a todxs. Partimos de diferentes realidades, identidades, opresiones, privilegios y deseos. No somos uniformes ni buscamos la uniformidad; la heterogeneidad nos parece una riqueza y desde ahí nuestra resistencia agarra fuerza.

(Todxs) Resistamos colectivamente!

Manifestación Decolonial contra el 12 de Octubre – 5 Siglos resistiendo!

Lunes, 12 de Octubre, a las 17h
Punto de Encuentro: Palau Colonial de la Virreina (La Rambla 99, M Liceu)
Marcharemos juntas hacia el monumento imperial de Cristobal Colón y terminaremos en el monumento esclavista de Antonio López y López!


Angela Davis: Life between Politics and Academia

Angela Davis: Life between Politics and Academia

5th of October, 2015, 18:30h

University of Vienna, Großen Festsaal (Great ceremonial hall, main building)

The introductory speech by Marissa Lôbo and Njideka Stephanie Iroh from Black_Woman*_Space ( and PAMOJA – The Movement of the young African Diaspora in Austria(

The lecture was organized within the gender justice focus project by AG UniFrauenJubel, University of Vienna


Angela Davis lecture: Life between Politics and Academia

5 October 2015, 18:30
Venue: University of Vienna, Großen Festsaal (Great ceremonial hall, main building)

Angela Davis, activist and philosopher, associated with the Black Panthers in the 1960s-1970s. She joined the Communist Party when Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968. Already in the 1970s she taught women’s and gender studies as well as African American studies in the US. Concurrently, she became a central figure in the African-American Civil Rights Movement in the US. She still investigates the intersections between oppression on grounds of gender, race/ethnicity and class in a globalised world.