Stories of Traumatic Pasts. Counter-Archives for Future Memories

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at Weltmuseum Wien 8 October 2020 to 3 April 2021 The exhibition Stories of Traumatic Pasts: Counter-Archives for Future Memories focuses on three European regions, their stories, and their current experiences of collective amnesia in relation to traumatic events from the past: Belgian colonial rule in the Congo, Austria after the “Anschluss” in 1938, and […]

Decolonial Encounters and the Geopolitics of Racial Capitalism

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This conversation started in the summer of 2018 at the first Balkan Society for Theory and Practice workshop that took place in Prizren, Kosova. Scholars, activists, and artists came together to engage in a very much needed debate about the past, present, and future of anticapitalist politics, feminism, queer and trans studies, critical race theory, postcolonial and decolonial critique in the context of the post-socialist Balkan countries and former Eastern Europe. The idea for this tri-logue came out of late night and early morning conversations based on common concerns and collaborations that have taken various forms through years of exchange and engagement with one another. What follows is a discussion among the three of us based on the questions posed in the open call for this special issue Breaking with Transition: Decolonial and Postcolonial Perspectives in Eastern Europe. To articulate some critical points, we find it necessary to rethink the conflicts and tensions and to envisage important analytical turns and political tactics within our ongoing struggles against turbo-racializing capitalism.

Des-bordes n.06

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Des-bordes es una revista digital impulsada desde la Red Conceptualismos del Sur (RedCSur) que se propone incitar cruces entre investigación comprometida, análisis crítico de los conflictos políticos actuales, cultura visual y prácticas artísticas. Pensamos Des-bordes como una plataforma porosa donde expandir afinidades y contagios de la RedCSur, como un modo de desbordarla. En este sentido […]

Desuniversalizar el mundo

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Seminario PEI Obert dirigido por Lucía Egaña

Los legados del colonialismo siguen afectando en múltiples aspectos a la sociedad contemporánea. Como una consecuencia colonial, la palabra sigue siendo hoy una propiedad privatizada por la blanquitud. La palabra y la razón se han regido por las epistemologías occidentales de personas blancas, y en ese sentido los discursos y prácticas están marcados de una forma violenta por su racismo universalizante. Por este motivo son necesarios espacios de disidencia y de resistencia en los que la palabra y la voz pertenezcan a personas no blancas y a epistemologías consideradas “otras” que, aun siendo ancestrales, han sido sistemáticamente silenciadas por la violencia colonial.

Genealogy of Amnesia: Rethinking the Past for a New Future of Conviviality

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“Genealogy of Amnesia: Rethinking the Past for a New Future of Conviviality” is the title of an interdisciplinary, arts and theory based research project. It is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) through its Programme for Arts-based Research (PEEK). The project is led by Marina Gržinić and developed at the Studio of Conceptual Art (Post-Conceptual Art Practices), Institute for Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

The aim of “Genealogy of Amnesia: Rethinking the Past for a New Future of Conviviality” is to understand how processes of empowerment are built against the politics of collective forgetting and silence. The research is focussed on political, social, ideological, and cultural mechanisms that produce collective amnesia — such as antisemitism, racialization, political and economic dispossession, gender discrimination, or hegemonic nationalism.[…]

Arte – Política – Resistencia

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Tjaša Kancler
1a ed. – Barcelona: Ediciones t.i.c.t.a.c., 2018

Repensar las relaciones entre la antigua Europa del Este y el Occidente, los años tras la caída del Muro de Berlín en los que la política ha adoptado las formas más extremas de dominación de la subjetividad mediante técnicas biomoleculares y semióticas, las medidas de austeridad y de exclusión, la guerra y la muerte, implica abrir espacios de pensamiento más allá de convenciones académicas y reflexionar sobre la cada vez mayor importancia del arte y la cultura para la economía desregulada y la dinámica de despolitización que se produce y reproduce continuamente, no solo económica y políticamente, sino también institucionalmente.[…]

GENEALOGY OF AMNESIA – Crushing Silences, Constructing Histories

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8., 9., and 10. November 2018

Crushing Silences, Constructing Histories

MUMOK. Museum of Modern Art Foundation Ludwig Vienna
ADDRESS: Mumok, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

A symposium on the silencing of colonialism, anti-Semitism, and contemporary turbo-fascist nationalism in Belgium, Austria, and the former Yugoslavia. Re-examining counter-memory and counter-history projects, interventions, and processes of resistance in order to open up spaces for new directions in politics, futurity, and collective struggles. Organized by the FWF-project “Genealogy of Amnesia,” developed at the Studio of Conceptual Art (PCAP), Institute of Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.