Las “Jornadas IMAGEN, VÍDEO y POLÍTICA. Cruces VLC/MEX”, coordinadas por #Nuevas Realidades Vídeo Políticas, se realizarán en las ciudades de Valencia y de México DF, buscando debatir y pensar acerca del uso y el poder político de la imagen; de las nuevas formas de (co)producción, (re)distribución, intercambio y recepción de imágenes audiovisuales; y sobre el uso de las redes sociales y sus consecuencias en el espacio “real”.

Art and Research: Shared methodologies. Politics and Translation

Conferencia: Biopolitics and Necropolitics in relation to the Lacanian four discourses (Marina Grzinic)

The question today that stays for art and theory, the social and the political is the question of the social bond and our place inside it. Are we capable of action, critical analysis, resistance, or better to say insurgency? If yes, how? What is the social bond that structures neoliberal global capitalism? How to talk about ideology, subjectivities, power and life, if it is said that we live today in the world of the post-ideology, post-politics conditions. The lecture will try to rethink these questions and as well confront two conceptualizations of mode of life, on one side the biopolitical and necropolitical and on the other the Lacanian four discourses, in order to answer to the main question of our capacity to react and moreover change these present conditions of capital over-exploitation and dispossession.

Research Training Module: Interview

Generally speaking, an interview is a method of questioning. Apart from journalism where the interview is an important tool for investigation as well as presentation of information, various forms of interview techniques are applied in science where interviews are traditionally used to collect data and to address particular research questions. Furthermore, interviews are steadily gaining popularity as a method of artistic expression and research.

The workshop gives an overview of the different uses of interview techniques and designs, depending on the particular contexts. The focus will be on the possible uses of the interview format within the art research context. Besides the theoretical overview, there will be practical/technical training along with presentations of examples. The participants are asked to bring along their own interviews or prepare relevant material that can be discussed and further developed within the workshop.

Withdraw! Why? Where to?


In summer 2008, the Missile Defense Agreement was signed between the U.S./Polish and U.S/Czech governments to ensure, as it was termed, “our common security.”

On September 17th, 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama suspended the plans for placing missile interceptors in Poland and the radar base in Czech Republic. A new approach was announced that will provide capabilities sooner, built on proven systems and offer greater defenses against the threat of missile attack than the 2007 European missile defense program. The new system will deploy smaller SM-3 missiles, and will be, probably, placed somewhere in Southern Europe or Turkey.

The documentary, Hit-to-Kill, emphasizes political and strategic elements of the deployment of U.S. antimissile shield in Europe, entailing a dialogue between concepts such as security, global dominance, democracy, propaganda and resistance.