LGBT Activism and Europeanisation in the Post-Yugoslav Space

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Bojan Bilić (ed.)
Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016

Europe and the European Union are unavoidable, if ambiguous, political references in the post-Yugoslav space. This volume interrogates the forms and implications of the increasingly potent symbolic nexus that has developed between non-heterosexual sexualities, LGBT activism(s) and Europeanisation(s) in all of the Yugoslav successor states.

Contributors to this book show how the long EU accession process disseminates discursive tools employed in LGBT activist struggles for human rights and equality. This creates a linkage between “Europeanness” and “gay emancipation” which elevates certain forms of gay activist engagement and perhaps also non-heterosexuality, more generally, to a measure of democracy, progress and modernity. At the same time, it relegates practices of intolerance to the LGBT community to the status of non-European primitivist Other who is inevitably positioned in the patriarchal past that should be left behind.

Andar Erótico Decolonial

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Ediciones del Signo
Buenos Aires, 2015

Andar Erótico Decolonial traza historias orgánicas, experiencia y saberes eróticos decoloniales que difieren en parte de la cooptación de las sexualidades otras por los poderes legislativos de la nación heternormativa y de la denominada teoría queer.

Raul Moarquech Ferrera-Balanquet (Compilador), Sandra Abd’Allah-Álvarez Ramírez, Isaac Esau Carrillo Can, Daniel Brittany Chavez, Pedro DiPietro, Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso, Victor Manuel Rodríguez-Sarmiento.

Politika, estetika in demokracija

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Nina Cvar, Katja Čičigoj, Marina Gržinić (urednica), Adla Isanović, Sebastjan Leban, Jovita Pristovšek, Šefik Tatlić, Jasmina Založnik

ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 2015

Politika, estetika in demokracija je zbornik, nastal iz prispevkov za mednarodni kolokvij z enakim naslovom, ki smo ga leta 2015 priredili na ZRC SAZU v Ljubljani. Organizatorja kolokvija sta bila Filozofski inštitut ZRC SAZU in AVA, Akademija za vizualne umetnosti v Ljubljani. Avtorice in avtorja prispevkov te znanstvene publikacije druži horizont sodobne teorije in filozofije, ne nazadnje tudi kritika globalnega kapitalizma. Ta kritika je nastajala že pred krizo, v obdobju pred letom 2008, ko smo bili med redkimi, ki – kot se je takrat govorilo – nismo videli vseh »prednosti kapitalizma«. Apolitični horizont in divji turbo neoliberalizem, ki ga je mogoče zgoščeno opisati s sintagmo maksimizacija smrti in maksimizacija dobička, kar je Achille Mbembe že leta 2003 imenoval nekropolitika, sta se vkopala pred našimi vrati, medtem ko je pri delavski mezdni večini nekropolitika že v kuhinji. Tako so se začeli celo največji teoretični omahljivci sklicevati na kritiko politične ekonomije in na radikalizirane oblike biopolitike.

Queer Migrations. Sexuality, U.S. Citizenship, and Border Crossings

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Edited by Eithne Luibhéid and Lionel Cantú Jr.
University of Minnesota Press, 2005

At the intersection of citizenship, sexuality, and race, a new perspective on the immigrant experience Queer Migrations brings together scholars to provide analyses of the norms, institutions, and discourses that affect queer immigrants of color, also providing ethnographic studies of how these newcomers have transformed established immigrant communities in Miami, San Francisco, and New York.

Audre Lorde’s Transnational Legacies

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Edited by Stella Bolaki and Sabine Broeck
University of Massachusetts Press, 2015

Audre Lorde’s Transnational Legacies is the first book to systematically document and thoroughly investigate Lorde’s influence beyond the United States. Arranged in three thematically interrelated sections—Archives, Connections, and Work—the volume brings together scholarly essays, interviews, Lorde’s unpublished speech about Europe, and personal reflections and testimonials from key figures throughout the world. Using a range of interdisciplinary approaches, contributors assess the reception, translation, and circulation of Lorde’s writing and activism within different communities, audiences, and circles. They also shed new light on the work Lorde inspired across disciplinary borders.

In addition the volume editors, contributors include Sarah Cefai, Cassandra Ellerbe-Dueck, Paul M. Farber, Tiffany N. Florvil, Katharina Gerund, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Gloria Joseph, Jackie Kay, Marion Kraft, Christiana Lambrinidis, Zeedah Meierhofer-Mangeli, Rina Nissim, Chantal Oakes, Lester C. Olson, Pratibha Parmar, Peggy Piesche, Dagmar Schultz, Tamara Lea Spira, and Gloria Wekker.

State of Insecurity: Government of the Precarious

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by Isabell Lorey
Verso Books, 2015

Years of remodelling the welfare state, the rise of technology, and the growing power of neoliberal government apparatuses have established a society of the precarious. In this new reality, productivity is no longer just a matter of labour, but affects the formation of the self, blurring the division between personal and professional lives. Encouraged to believe ourselves flexible and autonomous, we experience a creeping isolation that has both social and political impacts, and serves the purposes of capital accumulation and social control.

In State of Insecurity, Isabell Lorey explores the possibilities for organization and resistance under the contemporary status quo, and anticipates the emergence of a new and disobedient self-government of the precarious.

Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism: Radical Politics After Yugoslavia

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Edited by Srećko Horvat and Igor Štiks
Verso Books, 2014

This volume offers a profound analysis of post-socialist economic and political transformation in the Balkans, involving deeply unequal societies and oligarchical “democracies.” The contributions deconstruct the persistent imaginary of the Balkans, pervasive among outsiders to the region, who see it as no more than a repository of ethnic conflict, corruption and violence. Providing a much needed critical examination of the Yugoslav socialist experience, the volume sheds light on the recent rebirth of radical politics in the Balkans, where new groups and movements struggle for a radically democratic vision of society.

Queer Necropolitics

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Edited by Jin Haritaworn, Adi Kuntsman, Silvia Posocco
Routledge, 2014

This book comes at a time when the intrinsic and self-evident value of queer rights and protections, from gay marriage to hate crimes, is increasingly put in question. It assembles writings that explore the new queer vitalities within their wider context of structural violence and neglect. Moving between diverse geopolitical contexts – the US and the UK, Guatemala and Palestine, the Philippines, Iran and Israel – the chapters in this volume interrogate claims to queerness in the face(s) of death, both spectacular and everyday.

European Others. Queering Ethnicity in Postnational Europe

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by Fatima El Tayeb
University of Minnesota Press, 2011

European Others offers an interrogation into the position of racialized communities in the European Union, arguing that the tension between a growing nonwhite, non-Christian population and insistent essentialist definitions of Europeanness produces new forms of identity and activism. Moving beyond disciplinary and national limits, Fatima El-Tayeb explores structures of resistance, tracing a Europeanization from below in which migrant and minority communities challenge the ideology of racelessness that places them firmly outside the community of citizens.

Tejiendo de otro modo: Feminismo, epistemología y apuestas descoloniales en Abya Yala

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Editoras: Yuderkis Espinosa Miñoso, Diana Gómez Correal y Karina Ochoa Muñoz
Universidad del Cauca, 2014.

“Los textos feministas que hemos seleccionado para esta compilación, desde nuestro punto de vista, producen desplazamientos político-epistémicos a la racionalidad occidental del feminismo eurocentrado. Articulan análisis, miradas, hipótesis que enfrentan la narrativa convencional construida y alimentada por los marcos clásicos de interpretación feminista, pero lo hacen desde una apuesta que prioriza las voces sistemáticamente relegadas o ignoradas por un discurso blanco-burgués feminista que niega las diferencias entre ‘las mujeres’ y por tanto, produce, por un lado, lugares de enunciación privilegiados, y por el otro, marginales.

Además de contribuir a la divulgación de estas voces y pensamientos ‘otros’ del Sur, el texto busca aportar a la construcción de una genealogía feminista comprometida con la crítica a la colonialidad, que debe ser recogida no solo por el feminismo sino por la propuesta descolonial en su conjunto. Esta compilación busca responder a un vacío existente mediante la difusión de las voces que configuran parte de esta corriente que vincula feminismo y descolonialidad.”