Mujeres, raza y clase

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Angela Y.Davis

El presente libro trata de desvelar las causas que llevaron a que las reivindicaciones de las mujeres negras fueran sistemáticamente invisibilizadas a pesar del potencial revolucionario que encerraba un movimiento semejante. En sus distintos capítulos, Angela Y. Davis ofrece un análisis riguroso y esclarecedor que no sólo pone de manifiesto las estrategias de lucha de las mujeres negras, sino los problemas de composición de las diferencias que siguen desgarrando los movimientos políticos actuales.

Methodology of the Oppressed

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by Chela Sandoval
Foreword by Angela Y. Davis

In a work with far-reaching implications, Chela Sandoval does no less than revise the genealogy of theory over the past thirty years, inserting what she terms “U.S. Third World feminism” into the narrative in a way that thoroughly alters our perspective on contemporary culture and subjectivity. Methodology of the Oppressed represents a major contribution to theory and the understanding of contemporary consciousness. Sandoval has created a series of terms, concepts, and modes of analysis. Consolidating the work of a remarkable range of scholars, she takes the next step in proposing a genuine alternative to the blind alleys in which existing theory often finds itself.