La frontera como centro. Zonas del ser y del no ser.

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[migra y colonialidad]
Videos _ Conferencias _ Debates
02 Mar 2016 – 06 Mar 2016
Programa de Arxius de l’Observatori 2016, CCCB

La frontera tiende a expanderse: explosiona en subcontratas a terceros países e implosiona en fronteras interiores, en dispositivos de control, detencion y desaparición… es decir; tiende a ocupar la totalidad del sistema y devenir centro. A la sombra de la frontera como sistema se crea el prototipo de una sociedad totalitaria[…] / online archive of video-interviews

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Understanding practice as a network of connections from one theoretical point to another, and theory as a network of connections between one practice and another, is conceptualized as a research project committed to action, theoretical and practical.

With the intention to relate art, activism, politics and critical theory, and in the search for situations that encourage dialogue and collaborative networks, opens a collective space to think about the politics of positioning, critical interventions, limits of representation, as well as current conditions of art production and distribution. It is is a space for sharing ideas which can be rethought, rearticulated, expanded or used by other persons or groups in different contexts of their political actions.

Continuarem construint poder popular

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A La Base estem acomiadant-nos del nostre estimat company, amic i camarada Pablo Molano Romero, que diumenge va marxar. Continuarem construint poder popular, amb la seva energia, la seva potència, amb els milers de projectes, de somnis i de lluites, tal i com hem après a fer juntes…