#SenseMordasses / Concentra-Acció!

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I tot i que volen prohibir les nostres formes de protesta, amenaçant-nos amb penes i multes injustes i desproporcionades, no deixarem d’aturar desnonaments, ocupar seus d’entitats bancàries, fer escraches, gravar actuacions policials abusives, denunciar les batudes racistes i les devolucions en calent, etc.

La repressió no ens aturarà. Front l’ ofensiva repressiva de l’Estat, respondrem lluitant, desobeint massivament, defensant-nos col·lectivament als carrers, a les xarxes i arreu, intensificant l’autoorganització popular i els mecanismes de suport mutu i solidaritat. Si ens hi retrobem i ens fem costat, no hi haurà mordassa que ens faci callar.


30 de juny de 2015. CONCENTRACIÓ. JARDINETS DE GRÀCIA, 18 h.

What is Domitila doing there?

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by Trenza Collective

Dozen of pages are written about all the actors and subjects involved: about Not Dressed to Conquer/ Haute Couture 4. Transport, about the Spanish curators Paul Preciado and Valentin Roma, and the German co-curators Hans D. Christ and Iris Dressler, about the artists, the director, the King, the Queen as a sponsor of the museum, the Macba and their contract with the Wurttemberg Kunstverein. And of all these people not a single person questions if a helmeted, naked Domitila trapped between a dog and the king of Spain is really a critique of colonialism. The only statement by Doujak that is cited is the one she gives last December in the São Paulo Biennial, about how the work “plays with power relations and subverts them.” In the center of all gazes, in the very middle of an artwork that supposedly criticizes colonialism, Domitila and what she represents remains invisible to all. Here in the most mediatic moment a political artist concerned with oppression could wish for, Ines Doujak says nothing. Neither do the curators. Nobody speaks up or seems to be bothered by the objectualization of Domitila. The whole perspective that would make her struggle as a political subject to be understood is missing.

Un día sin tiempo

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Un día sin tiempo una performance-social concebida como un acto poético en resistencia a las políticas de limpieza social y vigilancia policial del barrio del Raval.

Un día sin tiempo es el producto de un proceso de investigación ​-acción​, talleres y lectura de Diasporas críticas en colaboración con el Espai del Inmigrante y Radio Nikosia​ y activistas del barrio​.

Un día sin tiempo denuncia el racismo institucional a través de los lenguajes y estrategias de las luchas feministas, decoloniales y contrapsiquiátricas.​

Diásporas Críticas
M​anifiestos y poesía desde los balcones de​l​ Carrer d’En Robador​s​
23 de​ junio de 2015, a las 19.00 hs