Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions

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Editors: Sandeep Bakshi (University of Le Havre), Suhraiya Jivraj (University of Kent) and
Silvia Posocco (Birkbeck, University of London)
Counterpress, Oxford, 2016

Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions contributes to the critical field of queer decolonial studies by demonstrating how sexuality, race, gender and religion intersect transnationally. The volume maps some of the specifically local issues as well as the common ones affecting queer/trans people of colour (qtpoc). The contributions are not delimited by traditional academic style but rather draw on creative inspiration to produce knowledge and insight through various styles and formats, including poetry, essays, statements, manifestos, as well as academic mash-ups. Queering coloniality and the epistemic categories that classify people means to disobey and delink from the coloniality of knowledge and of being. At this intersection, decolonial queerness is necessary not only to resist coloniality but, above all, to re-exist and re-emerge decolonially.

Este: cuerpos, fronteras y zonificación

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La unificación europea, como sostiene Philomena Essed, ha sido ante todo un proyecto de blanquitud. En un momento en el que se dice que Europa del Este ya no existe, cuando Europa del Oeste también se denomina “antigua”, el proceso de desaparición de ciertas fronteras implica su multiplicación simultánea y su conversión en zonas, regiones o territorios fronterizos. El Este opera hoy como uno de ellos. ¿Cómo, entonces, cambia la forma en que conceptualizamos Europa si repensamos la historia silenciada colonial/imperial de la política migratoria europea a través de la relación de repetición Oeste-Este, junto con la colonialidad del género, el control de la subjetividad y del conocimiento, las formas más extremas de exclusión y la política de muerte actual? ¿Qué potencialidades para la resistencia surgen de este análisis?

A genealogy of the practices of the present: A critique of the colonial feminist reason, coming from the historical experience in Latin America

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It is about responding to the key question, if we are to propose a genealogical method to be applied to the feminist field, then it translates into: How did we become the feminists who we are? What are the possible conditions that allowed feminism to believe in what it believes, to say what it says, to do what it does, in a region that is geopolitically determined by its status as a “third world” that drags along it the colonial trauma, as a condition of being what we are today…

Guest Lecture by Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso organized by Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program. Moderation after the lecture by Marissa Lobo. Translation from Spanish into English by Ronja Vogl.

21.06.2016, 19.00 h
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1. OG Atelier Süd

Mi nismo nič od tega

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Politično sporočilo Parade Ponosa 2016

Letošnja Parada ponosa poteka v atmosferi zanikanja in uničevanja družbenega. Ni prvič, da se programsko zanika in uničuje univerzalne vezi med ljudmi in dopušča le kriterijske: treba je biti primerne narodnosti, rase, jezika, kulture, lokalnosti. In primernih seksualnih navad. In primernega spola.

Toda mi nismo nič od tega… / online archive of video-interviews

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Understanding practice as a network of connections from one theoretical point to another, and theory as a network of connections between one practice and another, is conceptualized as a research project committed to action, theoretical and practical.

With the intention to relate art, activism, politics and critical theory, and in the search for situations that encourage dialogue and collaborative networks, opens a collective space to think about the politics of positioning, critical interventions, limits of representation, as well as current conditions of art production and distribution. It is is a space for sharing ideas which can be rethought, rearticulated, expanded or used by other persons or groups in different contexts of their political actions.

2ª Muestra de CineMigrante

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del 27 de octubre al 1 de noviembre de 2015

Esta segunda edición de CineMigrante Barcelona se plantea en un contexto en que las políticas migratorias europeas han dejado en evidencia su animo de represión, persecución y violación de derechos de la población migrante, tanto dentro como afuera de las fronteras Europeas. Demostrando también así el fracaso manifiesto de estas políticas migratorias en su afán de protección ‘nacional’ y de la construcción de la Fortaleza Europa.

Angela Davis lecture: Life between Politics and Academia

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5 October 2015, 18:30
Venue: University of Vienna, Großen Festsaal (Great ceremonial hall, main building)

Angela Davis, activist and philosopher, associated with the Black Panthers in the 1960s-1970s. She joined the Communist Party when Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968. Already in the 1970s she taught women’s and gender studies as well as African American studies in the US. Concurrently, she became a central figure in the African-American Civil Rights Movement in the US. She still investigates the intersections between oppression on grounds of gender, race/ethnicity and class in a globalised world.

Speaking against the Void: Decolonial Transfeminist Relations and its Radical Potential

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If postsocialism is not at all postcolonial, decolonial transfeminist re-reading of capitalism in its correspondence with coloniality of gender and racism profoundly related with class and gender can shed new light to relational processes of colonial/imperial differentiation and subjectification across former communist/socialist space and Global South, and in order to disrupt the monolithic history of feminism allows us to tackle the ticklish subject of feminist struggle from marginalized/minoritized positions, as well as to re-think the new possibilities for building critical alliances transversally with a vision of pluriversal future. Here, the imaginary and affective dimension is playing one of the crucial roles to be taken into analysis.