“Artist-proletarians” are everywhere

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““Artist-proletarians” are everywhere – the question is when they will be transformed into a new class which could shape a new emancipatory vision of the future and stop being a simple service-labor army for the hyper bourgeoisie.”

Interview with Dmitry Vilensky (Chto delat?) about postcommunism, autonomy, power of dialectics, Brecht’s methods and their videos: “Perestroika Songspiel: Victory Over the Coup”, “Partisan Songspiel: A Belgrade Story” and “Museum Songspiel: the Netherlands 20XX”.

Barcelona/St.Petersburg, October, 2013

26F: Informa’t: CIE Història d’una vergonya

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Dintre del cicle de conferències Informa’t 2014, el Moviment per a la informació ciutadana ha organitzat per al proper 26 de febrer una xerrada amb el tema CIES, Història d’una vergonya, a càrrec de l’Andrés Garcia Berrio, advocat i membre de la comissió jurídica i l’Ainhoa Douhaibi, de la comissió de visites, de tanquem els CIE. L’acte tindrà lloc a l’Espai Jove La Fontana (Gran de Gràcia, 190). Dimecres, 26 de febrer, a les 19,30 h

Decoloniality and Crisis

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A JCRT Special Edition, Winter 2014
Edited by Nikolay Karkov and Jeffrey W. Robbins

The attentive reader might ask: why a special issue on decoloniality and crisis? What is decoloniality, what do we mean by crisis, and why pair them together? The reason is simple (at least in our eyes): we see decoloniality and crisis as arguably the two key terms/processes/realities of our new millennium, which, tellingly, seem to have to come to fruition at roughly the same time. Just as the new century, certainly post-9/11, was starting to move away from the rhetoric of the “end of history” to one of a “clash of civilizations,” of permanent instability and conflict (i.e. crisis), so also an explicitly decolonial perspective was starting to gain ground, at least among radical academics and activists, primarily in the U.S., the Caribbean, and Latin America. The near simultaneous emergence of (in Walter Mignolo’s words) a “grammar of decoloniality” and (a new sense and dimensions of) crisis needs to give us a pause. Perhaps reading them side by side can be mutually illuminating, as in a sort of dialectic, whereby the mutual confrontation of the two realities adds further layers of complexity to each one […]

Campanya Tanquem els CIE

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La Campanya Tanquem els CIE neix el gener de 2012 arrel de la mort d’Idrissa Diallo, un noi de Guinea Conakry que estava pres al CIE de Barcelona. Els primers membres provenen de diferents organitzacions i col·lectius en defensa dels drets de les persones migrants; ara per ara, però, són nombrosos els activistes a nivell individual que poc a poc s’han anat sumant al grup […]
