Genealogies of post-Communism

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Edited by Adrian Sîrbu, Alexandru Polgár
Cluj, 2009

Twenty years after its history has started, post-communism continues to present itself, when one wants to discern its characteristics, its precisely delimited epochal profile, under the signature of two intertwined
traits. “Post-communism“ marks something passed that is operated to something that came after. And this raises immediately the question of discontinuities or continuities along the gap between from and to: What has passed? What has left? What is that which has left? An indelible reminder or something new?

This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color

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by Gloria Anzaldúa and Cherríe Moraga

This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color is a feminist anthology edited by Cherríe Moraga and Gloria E. Anzaldúa. This Bridge centered the experiences of women of color, offering a serious challenge to white feminists who made claims to solidarity based on sisterhood. Writings in the anthology, along with works by other prominent feminists of color, call for a greater prominence within feminism for race-related subjectivities, and ultimately laid the foundation for third wave feminism. This Bridge has become “one of the most cited books in feminist theorizing”.