Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions

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Editors: Sandeep Bakshi (University of Le Havre), Suhraiya Jivraj (University of Kent) and
Silvia Posocco (Birkbeck, University of London)
Counterpress, Oxford, 2016

Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions contributes to the critical field of queer decolonial studies by demonstrating how sexuality, race, gender and religion intersect transnationally. The volume maps some of the specifically local issues as well as the common ones affecting queer/trans people of colour (qtpoc). The contributions are not delimited by traditional academic style but rather draw on creative inspiration to produce knowledge and insight through various styles and formats, including poetry, essays, statements, manifestos, as well as academic mash-ups. Queering coloniality and the epistemic categories that classify people means to disobey and delink from the coloniality of knowledge and of being. At this intersection, decolonial queerness is necessary not only to resist coloniality but, above all, to re-exist and re-emerge decolonially.

Cuando la intransigencia le gana a la política

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Este texto, en principio, iba a ser leído junto con otros manifiestos al término de la Manifestación por la Despatologización Trans de Barcelona, el pasado sábado 22. Lamentablemente la organización se negó hasta en tres ocasiones a incluirlo en la lista, detrás de las demás asociaciones que ya se encontraban en el orden de lectura, argumentando que “habíamos llegado fuera de tiempo”. Lamentamos profundamente que la inflexibilidad por “cumplir el programa”, se imponga a lo que otras transexuales tengamos que decir…

¿Derechos políticos o derechos de privilegiados?

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Hoy, en Barcelona, y otras ciudades de España, hay personas encarceladas en un CIE; encerradas gracias a leyes y cuerpos policiales racistas y clasistas que les intimidan, provocan y maltratan por no tener voz, por no tener derecho a circular y vivir dignamente, POR SER INMIGRANTES o hijos de inmigrantes. Los 68 presos en huelga de hambre en el CIE de Zona Franca piden que se les devuelva su libertad y su dignidad, igual que los compañeros del CIE de Aluche hacían la semana pasada…

Strike in asylum home Vič – Ljubljana

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Please READ the statement of asylum seekers from Slovenia.

It does not matter what was the reason for us to leave our homes or where we come from, but we are now in Slovenia and we want to live as a part of the society and the main problems that we are facing are the slowly procedures, the inefficient bureaucracy.

A lot of people are staying here for years, some 10 months or more and we are getting 18 euro per month which we are getting very rarely plus we are not allowed to earn our money by ourselves although we are doctors engineers, students of computer science, businessmen, economists, workers… but we are not allowed to work here and there is no support or help given to us by the government to teach us the Slovene language or to help us to be a part and continue our life in the Slovenian society.

The ministry of the interior affairs is intentionally slowing down the asylum procedures and because of that a lot of people are leaving Slovenia. In the last two years, every bureaucrat, decision maker, solves only one case per month!!! And only 11% of the asylum applications are solved positively! […]