¿Radicalmente feministas?

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Comunicado del grupo transfeminista antirracista de Barcelona

El libro “Jornades Radical-ment feministes”, publicado en relación a las Jornadas de junio de 2016 y, que recopila las memorias del encuentro con la intención de continuar “escribiendo la historia feminista”, es una de las muchas violencias que diariamente experienciamos las personas racializadas y migrantes en el contexto local. Todavía hoy, después de décadas de luchas y críticas al feminismo blanco occidental, nos encontramos en la misma situación que ha sido cuestionada, donde la historia se escribe borrándonos. En la historia colonial, parte del sistema capitalista y heteropatriarcal, está inscrita la ceguera europea, a pesar del origen geográfico e intelectual del concepto “raza” en Europa. ¿Por qué el racismo y los procesos de racialización que organizan la segregación europea se silencian? ¿Qué es lo que las feministas blancas occidentales tendrían que cuestionarse si realmente nos escucharan?[…]

7M – La nit es nostra – Comunicado del grupo transfeminista antirracista de Barcelona

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Como no-grupo, nosotrxs Lxs Oscuras denunciamos las violencias heteropatriarcales, racistas y coloniales: -Las violencias y asesinatos a mujeres de los Pueblos-Naciones Originarias que luchan contra el extractivismo, saqueo y destrucción de sus territorios por parte de capitales europeos, norteamericanos y occidentales. Berta Cáceres y Lesbia Yaneth, asesinadas por luchar contra el avance de hidroeléctricas de […]

t.i.c.t.a.c. [taller de intervenciones críticas transfeministas antirracistas combativas]

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Después de tres meses de trabajo, gracias al esfuerzo colectivo y la autogestión, finalmente llegamos al momento de la inauguración. Os invitamos a la presentación del espacio t.i.c.t.a.c. (taller de intervenciones críticas transfeministas antirracistas combativas) que surge en el contexto de crisis y violencias que nos atraviesan, desde la necesidad de una resistencia decolonial, otras maneras de imaginar la transformación y actuar hacia un cambio social.

Os esperamos el martes, 7 de marzo de 2017, a partir de las 22h en la calle Santa Dorotea 9, [M] L3 -pl. España.

para más información: www.intervencionesdecoloniales.org

Body-politics, Trans* Imaginary and Decoloniality

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Concerning my and our work in Eurocentric academia, to rethink Transgender studies, trans* politics and activism in relation to decoloniality, the text focuses on body-politics, knowledge production and trans* imaginary in the context of crisis. This asks also for an analysis of the post-Cold War reconfiguration and multiplication of European borders, as my intention here is to shift the geography of reason, point to counter-genealogies of thought and to decolonial practices of resistance. This means to engage with decolonial critique in relation to the processes of colonial capitalist divisions and differentiation, when speaking about the coloniality of gender, as well as the global imposition of western Eurocentric feminist, queer and transgender knowledge.

Comunicado de apoyo del grupo transfeminista antirracista de Barcelona a Fàtima Taleb

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Lxs que suscriben, grupo activista transfeminista antirracista de Barcelona expresamos nuestro apoyo a Fátima Taleb, Regidora del Ayuntamiento de Badalona en su denuncia y visibilización de las violencias sufridas en el espacio público de esa ciudad.Esas violencias tanto cotidianas como estructurales no se dan de forma aislada ni puntual, son más bien una expresión de […]

Violences in the Social Intervention Industry

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Úrsula Santa Cruz Castillo

Almost a month ago, I experienced a situation of violence on the part of the company where I worked, the SURT Foundation (Fundación SURT). Before writing this text, I have spent much time thinking about the necessity and importance of making this act of violence public. After all, as many ex-colleagues of the Foundation say “It happens everywhere”, thus, from such understanding we could also say that many of the problems and injustices that we live day by day happen everywhere, then why talk about it if it is already normalized?

Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions

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Editors: Sandeep Bakshi (University of Le Havre), Suhraiya Jivraj (University of Kent) and
Silvia Posocco (Birkbeck, University of London)
Counterpress, Oxford, 2016

Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions contributes to the critical field of queer decolonial studies by demonstrating how sexuality, race, gender and religion intersect transnationally. The volume maps some of the specifically local issues as well as the common ones affecting queer/trans people of colour (qtpoc). The contributions are not delimited by traditional academic style but rather draw on creative inspiration to produce knowledge and insight through various styles and formats, including poetry, essays, statements, manifestos, as well as academic mash-ups. Queering coloniality and the epistemic categories that classify people means to disobey and delink from the coloniality of knowledge and of being. At this intersection, decolonial queerness is necessary not only to resist coloniality but, above all, to re-exist and re-emerge decolonially.

Cuando la intransigencia le gana a la política

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Este texto, en principio, iba a ser leído junto con otros manifiestos al término de la Manifestación por la Despatologización Trans de Barcelona, el pasado sábado 22. Lamentablemente la organización se negó hasta en tres ocasiones a incluirlo en la lista, detrás de las demás asociaciones que ya se encontraban en el orden de lectura, argumentando que “habíamos llegado fuera de tiempo”. Lamentamos profundamente que la inflexibilidad por “cumplir el programa”, se imponga a lo que otras transexuales tengamos que decir…

Decolonizing Transgender in the North

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4th Nordic Transgender Studies Symposium
The Centre for Gender Studies (CGF), Karlstad University
October 11 – 13, 2016.

The conference will be devoted to questions of decoloniality and its meaning for Trans Studies and trans politics. The conference will addresses a range of topics in relation to decolonisation among others, inner-nordic colonialisation of Sámi and Inuit, reflections on transgender terminologies, anglocentricity and cultural dissonances with the Scandinavian context. Furthermore intersections between transgender politics, ecology, race, nationalism and religion, mobility, border politics, migration and many more important discussions will feed into the debates and the presentations…

LGBT Activism and Europeanisation in the Post-Yugoslav Space

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Bojan Bilić (ed.)
Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016

Europe and the European Union are unavoidable, if ambiguous, political references in the post-Yugoslav space. This volume interrogates the forms and implications of the increasingly potent symbolic nexus that has developed between non-heterosexual sexualities, LGBT activism(s) and Europeanisation(s) in all of the Yugoslav successor states.

Contributors to this book show how the long EU accession process disseminates discursive tools employed in LGBT activist struggles for human rights and equality. This creates a linkage between “Europeanness” and “gay emancipation” which elevates certain forms of gay activist engagement and perhaps also non-heterosexuality, more generally, to a measure of democracy, progress and modernity. At the same time, it relegates practices of intolerance to the LGBT community to the status of non-European primitivist Other who is inevitably positioned in the patriarchal past that should be left behind.