Exploratory workshop organised by NordHOME
November 10-11, 2016, University of Turku, Finland
This workshop seeks to question understandings of Nordic and national identities that rely on notions of homogeneity and to critically examine their effects on the lives of migrants and minorities. Moreover, it aims to open up discussions of how new understandings of belonging and forms of participation can be created in/through research, politics, activism and everyday encounters (in digital environments, city spaces, welfare practices etc.). How do migrants and minority organizations create spaces for participation in local, national and transnational politics? What kinds of notions of belonging and participation are created in policies, institutional practices and civil society mobilisations? How are power relations based on race, ethnicity, gender, class and sexuality negotiated in institutional encounters and social movement activities? How do discourses of societal security shape understandings of belonging and participation in the Nordic societies?