Strike in asylum home Vič – Ljubljana

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Please READ the statement of asylum seekers from Slovenia.

It does not matter what was the reason for us to leave our homes or where we come from, but we are now in Slovenia and we want to live as a part of the society and the main problems that we are facing are the slowly procedures, the inefficient bureaucracy.

A lot of people are staying here for years, some 10 months or more and we are getting 18 euro per month which we are getting very rarely plus we are not allowed to earn our money by ourselves although we are doctors engineers, students of computer science, businessmen, economists, workers… but we are not allowed to work here and there is no support or help given to us by the government to teach us the Slovene language or to help us to be a part and continue our life in the Slovenian society.

The ministry of the interior affairs is intentionally slowing down the asylum procedures and because of that a lot of people are leaving Slovenia. In the last two years, every bureaucrat, decision maker, solves only one case per month!!! And only 11% of the asylum applications are solved positively! […]

Toward a Non-Eurocentric Academia

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Conceptualizing a non-Eurocentric academia is about pushing for a radical change in academic system of interpretation and production of reality, revealing the constitutive underside of (post)modern reason. The transformation strives to be effected by breaking down the academic walls, by challenging the existing political economy of global Eurocentric academia, the established academic disciplines, methodologies, sets of theoretical references, conceptual vocabularies and colonial visual orders in order to shift the geography of reason through dissident interventions by un/learning, producing counter-genealogies of thought and decolonial transfeminist sense/ibility. What is crucial here is to continue opening, accessing, thinking and acting from multiple locations, alternative arrangements of the social, and different political and epistemic possibilities coming from the Global South and East, interrelated with the work of its critical diasporas.

Welcoming Women in Exile on Tour2016

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Women in Exile & Friends are finishing their Summer Bus Tour 2016 in Berlin. Since 25th of July they have been visiting refugee women all over the country to fight for their rights and against the discrimination they face as women and as refugees. Berlin’s welcoming group for Women in Exile invites you to the rally when they arrive in Berlin!

Oplatz //Sat. 13.8 // 15h

Comunicado del Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes sobre las Conclusiones de la Mesa de Ciudad

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A día de hoy la represión ha sido la única política que ha sido capaz de desplegar el actual gobierno. La Guardia Urbana y policía secreta nos vigilan y acosan todos los días, sobre todo a los compañeros portavoces del Sindicato, buscando intimidar y desmovilizarnos. Además, ahora esta persecución será en colaboración con los Mossos d’Esquadra. También queremos informar que se está castigando la solidaridad de las personas y colectivos que nos apoyan en esta lucha, realizando identificaciones sin razón. / online archive of video-interviews

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Understanding practice as a network of connections from one theoretical point to another, and theory as a network of connections between one practice and another, is conceptualized as a research project committed to action, theoretical and practical.

With the intention to relate art, activism, politics and critical theory, and in the search for situations that encourage dialogue and collaborative networks, opens a collective space to think about the politics of positioning, critical interventions, limits of representation, as well as current conditions of art production and distribution. It is is a space for sharing ideas which can be rethought, rearticulated, expanded or used by other persons or groups in different contexts of their political actions.

Manifiesto Octubre Trans 2015

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17.10.2015, pl. Universidad, a las 17h

Este año nos unimos a esta manitrans porque queremos apostar por las alianzas, porque nos parece importante trabajar con todas aquellas personas trans, bolleras, maricas, intersex, putas, migrantes, racializadas, tullidas, gordas, feministas, que entienden el sistema sexogénero como una pieza del engranaje capitalista, colonial y heteropatriarcal.

Estamos aquí porque en nuestros cuerpos se entrecruzan sistemas de opressión distintos pero intersectados, que nos afectan a todxs. Partimos de diferentes realidades, identidades, opresiones, privilegios y deseos. No somos uniformes ni buscamos la uniformidad; la heterogeneidad nos parece una riqueza y desde ahí nuestra resistencia agarra fuerza.

(Todxs) Resistamos colectivamente!

The Johannesburg Salon, Volume 9

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This special volume, guest edited by RhodesMustFall, provides the first ‘live archive’ of a movement born at the University of Cape Town that has now reached other South African campuses and is clamoring for the decolonization of knowledge and of the university. Twenty years after the formal ending of Apartheid, South Africa has reached the kind of threshold so vividly foreseen by Frantz Fanon in his famous chapter, “Pitfalls of national consciousness” (The Wretched of the Earth). As the former national liberation movement – now the ruling party – keeps extolling the virtues of accommodationism, a massive anger, even rage, is mounting especially among the ‘born free’ and the multitudes of the disenfranchised.

Did things have to come to this? How can we explain the persistence of white supremacist attitudes in almost every sector of life? What does it mean to be black in post-Apartheid South Africa? Is the post- in ‘post-Apartheid’ the same as the post in ‘postcolonial’? Shouldn’t we be thinking, rather, in terms of ‘decolonization’? How would a decolonized university look like once the strictures of Eurocentrism are destroyed?

Signal #1 – Writings on the Freedom of Movement

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Spring 2015

During the last few years, the problems inherent in European immigration and asylum policy have given rise to a heated debate. The political movements initiated by migrants themselves, which are gaining in intensity throughout Europe, have made the biggest contribution of all to the wider acknowledgement of these problems.

Signal collects information on the experience of migrants and their political struggles. In the articles and images of this publication, artists, activists, and researchers share their knowledge of the situation faced by migrants in Finland and in the EU.This is a part of a project called 9 Gatherings, a collaboration between Free Movement Network and the Kiila Association of Writers and Artists. It is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. This project creates new relationships between residents and those foreigners that are living in precarious conditions.

Demonstration against the wall on the Serbian-Hungarian border

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14 of July, 2015, Nyugati square, Budapest

While the wall is in direct opposition with the ideas, enshrined in the UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, which seeks to protect those fleeing persecution in their own country, we oppose the wall, as it is the extreme embodiment of the principles of the restrictive EU migration policies. While valid travel documents are required to enter “legally” into the EU, and these documents are virtually impossible to obtain for most of the people born in Africa, Asia, people have no choice but to travel “illegally”. The European migration policy thus creates illegality, but then also builds walls and erects border in order to supposedly “fight illegal migration” – the very illegality of which it has produced through its legislation and policy. We are opposing this wall because we believe border controls are injust, freedom of movement and settlement is everybody’s right and no human being should ever be declared “illegal”.

No human being is illegal! Freedom of movement for all! Documents for all, or all without documents! Solidarity with migrants everywhere!

No Border Serbia collective