Manifiesto por la despenalización

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Este es un manifiesto dirigido a aquellos que creemos que las vidas de todas las personas valen lo mismo. A todas aquellas personas que deseamos para los demás lo mismo que deseamos para la gente que amamos. A quienes creemos firmemente que el mundo es un recurso que todos sus habitantes deben cuidar y disfrutar con las mismas responsabilidades y las mismas oportunidades. A quienes pensamos que la globalización es un espacio/tiempo para organizar un reparto cada vez más democrático de la riqueza y de la toma de decisiones, en vez de un horizontes a temer y destruir hiriéndolo de fronteras, muros, vallas, leyes de extranjería y políticas securitarias. A quienes trabajamos para hacer que la seguridad sea cada vez un resultado de comunidades humanas más igualitarias y tejedoras de vínculos sociales fuertes, y cada vez menos el objetivo de políticas del miedo que dibujan paisajes donde la pluralidad es una amenaza, la diversidad un enemigo, la pobreza un delito.

Europe wrote the book on demonising refugees, long before Trump read it

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by Piro Rexhepi

Trump justifies his own clampdown by painting a picture of a Europe overrun with Muslim refugees, raping white women and committing terrorist acts. Yet Europe wrote the book on demonising Muslim refugees. Last week Bild, Germany’s largest newspaper, had to apologise for false reports that refugees had raped German women in Frankfurt; the rightwing British press stokes fears of refugees on a daily basis. We’re told that Trump is uniquely hardline in his anti-Muslim rhetoric. In fact, Europe’s long-standing draconian attitudes towards refugees and Muslims have helped to legitimise his approach.

Body-politics, Trans* Imaginary and Decoloniality

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Concerning my and our work in Eurocentric academia, to rethink Transgender studies, trans* politics and activism in relation to decoloniality, the text focuses on body-politics, knowledge production and trans* imaginary in the context of crisis. This asks also for an analysis of the post-Cold War reconfiguration and multiplication of European borders, as my intention here is to shift the geography of reason, point to counter-genealogies of thought and to decolonial practices of resistance. This means to engage with decolonial critique in relation to the processes of colonial capitalist divisions and differentiation, when speaking about the coloniality of gender, as well as the global imposition of western Eurocentric feminist, queer and transgender knowledge.