Parem la deportació: #YoconBelletti

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En els últims dies s’ha conegut la història d’en Renaud-Belleti, un relat de fets que esfereeixen i descobreixen les dinàmiques repressives i racistes de l’Estat espanyol.

Recentment ha estat internat al CIE de Barcelona per ser expulsat. Des de la Campanya estatal pel tancament dels CIEs ens oposem a la seva deportació i animem a la societat civil a no ser còmplice d’aquest silenciament i vulneració de drets contínua que és el racisme institucional.

Firma el manifest i difon, parem la deportació!

TROPICAL VIDEO ACTIVISM. Transformative Illegalities & Post-Porning Genders

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Curated by Fernanda Nogueira

March 7, 2015, 4-9pm, VBKÖ, Vienna

This screening program stems from the urgencies of a collective body, a body formed by fragments, a mutant, which resists any classification, provocative, unsatisfied, which creates new ways of living by acting in the territory of transgression. Tropical Video Activism presents video productions – either registers of actions or more experimental poetics – as signs to make visible, read and spread social transformations, which are in furious excitement in the public sphere in many Southern geographies.

These processes are not happening just in a single territory. We can map the social effervescence, the networks arising and intensifying the emergence and encounter of new transborder communities capable of sharing activist tools and circulating critical information which in the past could only be found in independent, underground and thought marginal networks. Facing the urgency of action and its various potentialities in these different territories, the modern categories such as “originality” or “authenticity” are turned obsolete. In contrast, a broader notion of “network” is strengthen daily in the configuration of a collective battlefield.