14 of July, 2015, Nyugati square, Budapest
While the wall is in direct opposition with the ideas, enshrined in the UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, which seeks to protect those fleeing persecution in their own country, we oppose the wall, as it is the extreme embodiment of the principles of the restrictive EU migration policies. While valid travel documents are required to enter “legally” into the EU, and these documents are virtually impossible to obtain for most of the people born in Africa, Asia, people have no choice but to travel “illegally”. The European migration policy thus creates illegality, but then also builds walls and erects border in order to supposedly “fight illegal migration” – the very illegality of which it has produced through its legislation and policy. We are opposing this wall because we believe border controls are injust, freedom of movement and settlement is everybody’s right and no human being should ever be declared “illegal”.
No human being is illegal! Freedom of movement for all! Documents for all, or all without documents! Solidarity with migrants everywhere!
No Border Serbia collective