Toward a Non-Eurocentric Academia

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Conceptualizing a non-Eurocentric academia is about pushing for a radical change in academic system of interpretation and production of reality, revealing the constitutive underside of (post)modern reason. The transformation strives to be effected by breaking down the academic walls, by challenging the existing political economy of global Eurocentric academia, the established academic disciplines, methodologies, sets of theoretical references, conceptual vocabularies and colonial visual orders in order to shift the geography of reason through dissident interventions by un/learning, producing counter-genealogies of thought and decolonial transfeminist sense/ibility. What is crucial here is to continue opening, accessing, thinking and acting from multiple locations, alternative arrangements of the social, and different political and epistemic possibilities coming from the Global South and East, interrelated with the work of its critical diasporas.

Roots and Riots Festival

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26th – 28th of August 2016, Radical Queer Wagenplatz Kanal, Berlin.

Radical Queer Wagenplatz Kanal and International Women* Space are the two self-organized BPOC/WLT*I* groups that organize this festival. These two groups are focusing on political empowerment and self-organization of WLT*I * and WLT*I*-non-Citizen, who are affected by racism, classism, state nationalism, sexism and homo-trans*-inter* discrimination.

millionaires can be trans*// you are so brave*

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Exhibition 20 May 2016 – 13 October 2018
Schwules Museum*, Berlin

Framed by a program of performances, lectures and film screenings, millionaires can be trans* // you are so brave* is a multimedia exhibition that explores possibilities beyond traditional transgender narratives…

Este: cuerpos, fronteras y zonificación

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La unificación europea, como sostiene Philomena Essed, ha sido ante todo un proyecto de blanquitud. En un momento en el que se dice que Europa del Este ya no existe, cuando Europa del Oeste también se denomina “antigua”, el proceso de desaparición de ciertas fronteras implica su multiplicación simultánea y su conversión en zonas, regiones o territorios fronterizos. El Este opera hoy como uno de ellos. ¿Cómo, entonces, cambia la forma en que conceptualizamos Europa si repensamos la historia silenciada colonial/imperial de la política migratoria europea a través de la relación de repetición Oeste-Este, junto con la colonialidad del género, el control de la subjetividad y del conocimiento, las formas más extremas de exclusión y la política de muerte actual? ¿Qué potencialidades para la resistencia surgen de este análisis?

Mi nismo nič od tega

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Politično sporočilo Parade Ponosa 2016

Letošnja Parada ponosa poteka v atmosferi zanikanja in uničevanja družbenega. Ni prvič, da se programsko zanika in uničuje univerzalne vezi med ljudmi in dopušča le kriterijske: treba je biti primerne narodnosti, rase, jezika, kulture, lokalnosti. In primernih seksualnih navad. In primernega spola.

Toda mi nismo nič od tega…

Transforming Europe – 10 years of movement building

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6th European Transgender Council
02 – 05 June 2016, Bologna

Since the first European Transgender Council in 2005 in Vienna, our movement has grown steadily (TGEU now has 90 member organisations in 42 countries); human rights of trans people are discussed more widely and more countries are in the process of improving legal recognition and protection. In Bologna, together with our members and supporters, we will celebrate our achievements over these 10 years. At the same time we will look into the challenges ahead that we face together as one movement in Europe…

Nosotras NO! Carta abierta a abolicionismo

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Tenéis el poder, está claro.

Sois capaces de situar el debate en el absurdo, de utilizar las propias instituciones ciudadanas como la Diputación de Barcelona o la FAVB para vuestros intereses. Está claro, sois parte del poder institucional que siempre nos ha negado espacios, voz y capacidad de decisión.

Esta carta no pretende en realidad rebatir los argumentos abolicionistas pero sí poner en cuestión vuestras formas. Sois parte de un feminismo que reniega de su propia capacidad de construir alianzas y relaciones de igualdad entre mujeres, a través de vuestros constantes insultos, de vuestras calumnias, de vuestra violencia. Desde hace años, cargamos con vuestra rabia, en las últimas semanas con mayor fuerza e impunidad […] / online archive of video-interviews

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Understanding practice as a network of connections from one theoretical point to another, and theory as a network of connections between one practice and another, is conceptualized as a research project committed to action, theoretical and practical.

With the intention to relate art, activism, politics and critical theory, and in the search for situations that encourage dialogue and collaborative networks, opens a collective space to think about the politics of positioning, critical interventions, limits of representation, as well as current conditions of art production and distribution. It is is a space for sharing ideas which can be rethought, rearticulated, expanded or used by other persons or groups in different contexts of their political actions.

Queer Migrations. Sexuality, U.S. Citizenship, and Border Crossings

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Edited by Eithne Luibhéid and Lionel Cantú Jr.
University of Minnesota Press, 2005

At the intersection of citizenship, sexuality, and race, a new perspective on the immigrant experience Queer Migrations brings together scholars to provide analyses of the norms, institutions, and discourses that affect queer immigrants of color, also providing ethnographic studies of how these newcomers have transformed established immigrant communities in Miami, San Francisco, and New York.