Feminismos negros. Una antología

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Este volumen recoge aportaciones de las más relevantes pensadoras y activistas feministas negras, estadounidenses y británicas,desde el siglo XIX hasta nuestros días. Su selección compone una historia singular de los pliegues del debate teórico y político que contribuyeron a construir y que tanto perturbó al movimiento feminista blanco.

Sojourner Truth, Ida Wells, Patricia Hills Collins, Angela Davis, Carol Stack, Hazel Carby, Pratibha Parmar, Jayne Ifekwunigwe, Magdalene Ang-Lygate.

Black Queer Studies: A Critical Anthology

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Edited by E. Patrick Johnson and Mae G. Henderson

While over the past decade a number of scholars have done significant work on questions of black lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered identities, this volume is the first to collect this groundbreaking work and make black queer studies visible as a developing field of study in the United States. Bringing together essays by established and emergent scholars, this collection assesses the strengths and weaknesses of prior work on race and sexuality and highlights the theoretical and political issues at stake in the nascent field of black queer studies. Including work by scholars based in English, film studies, black studies, sociology, history, political science, legal studies, cultural studies, and performance studies, the volume showcases the broadly interdisciplinary nature of the black queer studies project.

Research Training Module: Interview

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Generally speaking, an interview is a method of questioning. Apart from journalism where the interview is an important tool for investigation as well as presentation of information, various forms of interview techniques are applied in science where interviews are traditionally used to collect data and to address particular research questions. Furthermore, interviews are steadily gaining popularity as a method of artistic expression and research.

The workshop gives an overview of the different uses of interview techniques and designs, depending on the particular contexts. The focus will be on the possible uses of the interview format within the art research context. Besides the theoretical overview, there will be practical/technical training along with presentations of examples. The participants are asked to bring along their own interviews or prepare relevant material that can be discussed and further developed within the workshop.